We are PROUD to be certified to offer inclusive hospitality for LGBTQ+ guests as well as to be part of the Booking.com network and welcome people of all genders and diversities from all over the world with open arms to all nationalities without discrimination or prejudice.
“Luxury industry veteran Davide Veneri chose award-winning Italian architectural design firm Palomba Serafini Associati, headed up by Roberto+Ludovica Palomba, to oversee the master renovation of this historic apartment in Milan.”
VISI.CO.ZA - 2021
“Spending time in another city implies temporary residence, which still requires cozy atmospheres combined with the desire for extraordinary experiences. This is the intuition of Davide Veneri, who has transformed a simple real estate investment in Milan into a unique, emotional place in which to regenerate, after the stress of travel, and to feel welcomed by a city that awaits your exploration. The result is the Ginger House, an elegant apartment from the 1930s with an area of 90 sqm, in the Porta Venezia district, interpreted in a surprising, innovative way by the architects Ludovica Serafini + Roberto Palomba.”
IDFM - 2021
“L’ospitalità tipica di un hotel si fonde con l’atmosfera domestica, a cui si uniscono servizi concierge e un progetto definito ARTchitecture, Architettura d’autore.”
Pambianco Design - 2021
We are glad to announce our nomination for
The Plum Guide Award.
The Plum Guide Official Selection guarantee to its clients the exceptional quality of vacation and short term homes, and collect in its platform the most beautiful homes in the world.
— The Ginger House Project Team, 2021
“Ein Hotel zu entwerfen bedeutet heute, den neuen Bedürfnissen nach sozialer Distanzierung Rechnung zu tragen, mit Lösungen, die nicht entfremden. Inzwischen entstehen auch 'hybride' Räume, die die Wohn- und Hotelwelt miteinander verbinden. Unser Studio hat gerade das Projekt Ginger House in Mailand eröffnet, eine 72 Quadratmeter große Wohnung, die das Konzept des temporären Wohnens neu definiert und sich auf Schönheit und Kunst konzentriert. Das Haus ist mit preisgekrönten italienischen Designmöbeln, Kunstwerken und eigens für den Raum geschaffenen Stücken eingerichtet, über die man via QR-Codes mehr erfahren kann. Gleichzeitig bietet es einen exzellenten Service, dank eines Concierge-Angebotes, das für jedes Problem eine Lösung bietet, vom Chauffeur bis zum Gärtner, vom Sternekoch bis zum Personal Shopper. Wie in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel.”
— AD Germany, 2021
“Ginger House Project, un appartamento di 72 metri quadri che ridefinisce il concetto di abitazione temporanea puntando su bellezza e arte. La casa è arredata con mobili di design italiano pluripremiato, opere d’arte e pezzi creati ad hoc per lo spazio e nello spazio, che vengono raccontati attraverso l’ipertestualità dei QR code. Allo stesso tempo offre dei servizi d’eccellenza, grazie a un servizio di conciergerie dedicato che fornisce una soluzione a ogni problema, dall’autista al giardiniere, dallo chef stellato al personal shopper. Come in un hotel a 5 stelle”.
— AD Italia, 2021
“Milano. The Ginger House Project.
Inno al design contemporaneo, alla ricerca e al vivere senza pensieri. Non solo un'accomodation particolare tra installazioni al neon e opere d'arte, ma una vera e propria conciergerie à la carte in grado di recapitare il meglio di quello che offre la città sul pianerottolo. Padrone di casa Davide Veneri, progetto del duo Palomba-Serafini.”
— panorama.it, 2021
“…Ginger House is the evolution of hospitality in the present time, guaranteeing a high level personalized experience of a trip or a stay.”
— Spaghetti Magazine, 2020
“The Ginger House is a private hôtellerie project that wants to propose a different way of experiencing the city of Milan to those who visit it for personal or business reasons, which focuses on a concept of site-specific cultural sharing combined with a hospitality service of the highest level.”
— designtellers.it, 2020